Unplugged Messages Fresque

Le projet Unplugged Messages a Ă©tĂ© imaginĂ© et mis en Ɠuvre par Luxembourg multi-LEARN Institute asbl de 2021 Ă  2023. Il s’inscrivait dans le cadre du programme “ACTiON Jeunes – Bien vivre la pandĂ©mie” soutenu par l’ƒuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte. Cette activitĂ© rassemble les dessins rĂ©alisĂ©s par les Ă©lĂšves du lycĂ©e Michel Lucius lors des ateliers Unplugged messages animĂ©s par Guillaume Reynard et Natalia Durus le 25 et le 26 octobre 2022. Nous remercions chaleureusement les Ă©lĂšves de leur contribution, la direction du lycĂ©e Michel Lucius et les enseignants pour nous avoir ouvert les portes de leur Ă©tablissement et de leurs classes.


Unplugged Messages (Stay connected to yourself and others during and beyond the pandemic) est un projet conçu et mis en Ɠuvre par Luxembourg multi-LEARN Institute (https://multi-learn.org) avec le soutien de l’ƒuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte (https://www.oeuvre.lu) dans le cadre de l’initiative « ACTiON Jeunes – bien vivre la pandĂ©mie » ainsi que Rotondes (https://www.rotondes.lu). Unplugged Messages s'inscrit dans le champ thĂ©matique 3 (rĂŽle des mĂ©dias autour de la pandĂ©mie COVID-19). Il invite des jeunes ĂągĂ©s de 12 Ă  27 ans en provenance de tout horizon Ă  dĂ©construire leur messages diffusĂ©es dans les mĂ©dias sociaux et Ă  crĂ©er, autour d'ateliers participatifs, leur propre message s'inspirant de leur expĂ©rience personnelle de la pandĂ©mie/Ă©pidĂ©mie.


Unplugged Messages Live, conférence dessinée et contée

Dans le cadre de la confĂ©rence dessinĂ©e et contĂ©e “Unplugged Messages Live” du 19 novembre 2022, Olivier Poncer et Laura Tisserand ont mis en scĂšne et en contexte les messages et les dessins rĂ©alisĂ©s par des Ă©lĂšves du lycĂ©e Michel Lucius et de l'École europĂ©enne Luxembourg 2 lors d'ateliers Unplugged Messages ayant eu lieu au mois de septembre et d'octobre 2022. Nous remercions chaleureusement les Ă©lĂšves de leur contribution, la direction du lycĂ©e Michel Lucius et de l'École europĂ©enne Luxembourg II et les enseignants pour nous avoir ouvert les portes de leur Ă©tablissement et de leurs classes.


Unplugged Messages (Stay connected to yourself and others during and beyond the pandemic) est un projet conçu et mis en Ɠuvre par Luxembourg multi-LEARN Institute (https://multi-learn.org) avec le soutien de l’ƒuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte (https://www.oeuvre.lu) dans le cadre de l’initiative « ACTiON Jeunes – bien vivre la pandĂ©mie » ainsi que Rotondes (https://www.rotondes.lu). Unplugged Messages s'inscrit dans le champ thĂ©matique 3 (rĂŽle des mĂ©dias autour de la pandĂ©mie COVID-19). Il invite des jeunes ĂągĂ©s de 12 Ă  27 ans en provenance de tout horizon Ă  dĂ©construire leur messages diffusĂ©es dans les mĂ©dias sociaux et Ă  crĂ©er, autour d'ateliers participatifs, leur propre message s'inspirant de leur expĂ©rience personnelle de la pandĂ©mie/Ă©pidĂ©mie.


Picturing Participation. Extraits de carnets de bord du projet LEILU

Picturing Participation est une mise en perspective par le texte et l’image des activitĂ©s organisĂ©es dans le cadre du projet Learning to be in the new environment (LEILU). Les textes et les illustrations proposĂ©s se rĂ©pondent, se complĂštent, parfois se concurrencent : les mots ne traduisent pas les images et les images n’illustrent pas les mots. Les images montrent et les mots disent, chacun avec des potentiels propres. Tout comme les mots, les images ont pour vocation de (faire) rĂ©flĂ©chir aux deux sens de la pensĂ©e et de la rĂ©flexion sur une surface.


En ce qui concerne les langues, l’anglais (en italique) et le français (en caractĂšres romains) apparaissent Ă  tour de rĂŽle. Picturing Participation n’est pas un ouvrage bilingue : il est le miroir de notre expĂ©rience linguistique quotidienne du Luxembourg : un certain nombre d’espaces dans lesquels les langues, au-delĂ  du français, de l’anglais, du luxembourgeois, etc., alternent et jouent des rĂŽles diïŹ€Ă©rents.


LEILU Input Days

Project LEILU, “Learning to be in the new environment – a holistic approach for youngsters in Luxembourg”, was launched in 2016 in the midst of the so-called “refugee crisis”, with the financial support of the ƒuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte within its initiative mateneen (meaning ‘together’ in Luxembourgish).


The LEILU “Input Days” offered the opportunity to have an open discussion, a critical reflection, and experts’ feedback on the LEILU project activities. Coaches of each of the 6 modules, selected participants, and external experts, discussed experiences from the past and potential prospects for the future. Moreover, the LEILU “Input Days” targeted a broader perspective on the project within the European context. The external experts were specialized in the fields of migration, refugee, religion, youth education, sports education, visual learning, multilingualism, to name a few.


Project LEILU

Project LEILU, “Learning to be in the new environment – a holistic approach for youngsters in Luxembourg”, was launched in 2016 in the midst of the so-called “refugee crisis”, with the financial support of the ƒuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte within its initiative mateneen (meaning ‘together’ in Luxembourgish).


Targeting young people (ages 15-30) in Luxembourg, and focusing on–but not limited to–asylum seekers and refugees, the project aims to help them use their spare time in a more meaningful way. Furthermore, its objective is to enable them to gain the possibility to transform the time for transition (e.g., school failure, searching for a job, and arriving in a new environment, in the case of asylum seekers) that often produces frustration and doubt, into an opportunity to (re)discover themselves, others and the environment surrounding them.



This video was created for the occasion of the Spring Fair 2010 - Luxembourg, LuxExpo. It was running at the research pavillion (La recherche - mon avenir/Forschung - meine Zukunft). The video was realized within the Master Learning and Development in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts at the University of Luxembourg in collaboration with DICA lab, University of Luxembourg.


Les projets multi-SPACES - VJ-ing the multilingual educational space et multi-SIGNS mettent en avant les processus de ces constructions de “sens” dont nous nous servons tous à tout moment de nos vies. Ces constructions se font en ressources multiples - multilingue, multimédial, multimodal. Partant du constat qu’une “langue ne se balade pas toute seule”, ces projets répondent à un double défi:
• Einerseits zeigen sie mittels analytischer Verfremdungen, wie systematisch und dabei doch selbstverständlich wir die mehrschichtigen und vor allem auch mehrsprachigen Mittel nutzen. Wir wechseln die “Sprache” und tun dabei viel mehr: Wir ordnen die Kommunkationsstruktur neu, verweisen auf einen Wissenszusammenhang oder zeigen, dass wir nun als “lëtzebuerger Groussgaas Spadsëiergänger vun der Mousel schwätzen”.
• Andererseits erlauben sie den Sprach(en)-Lehrkräften in der Ausbildung die Komplexität des “Sprechens” und der Sprachen als Mehr-Sprachigkeit und Mehr-Modalität zu dekonstruieren und diese als zeitgleiches “Mehr-Verstehen” zu analysieren.

multi-SPACES und multi-SIGNS sind interdisziplinäre Forschungskooperationen, in denen Interaktionswege nicht getrennt voneinander, sondern in ihrer natürlichen Verbundenheit untersucht und im Sinne der Lern-Erfahrung eines Experten rekonstruiert werden (Application au niveau Bachelor et Master).


multi-LEARN (documentary version)

A video documentary which gives a deeper insight into a higher educational learning approach, here, the example of a University Master degree. The program`s aims, teaching & learning approach, as well as research themes discussed by participants during a presented during a master research symposium in cooperation with the University of Paris 8. The video was realized within the Master Learning and Development in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts at the University of Luxembourg in collaboration with DICA lab, University of Luxembourg.

Languages used/subtitled in the video: French, English, German


Ass.-Prof. Gudrun Ziegler, Prof.Dr. Charles Max, administrative and academic staff and Master students present the Master`s program in learning and development in multilingual and multicultural contexts (University of Luxembourg).
The program is sustaining partnerships with relevant MA programs and research institutions on an international level. During the master class at the University of Paris 8 (partner program - Master de Didactique des Langues Etrangères) the students had the opportunity to present their research projects and discuss them with other Master students, researchers and professors.


multi-LEARN (overview)

Une approche socio-culturelle et interactionniste

Short video which offers a quick overview of a learning approach as implemented by a Master`s program; meeting the participants at a research symposium held in Paris in cooperation with University Paris 8. The video was realized within the Master Learning and Development in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts at the University of Luxembourg in collaboration with DICA lab, University of Luxembourg.

Languages of the video/subtitles: French, English, German


Ass.-Prof. Gudrun Ziegler, Prof.Dr. Charles Max, administrative and academic staff and Master students present the Master`s program in learning and development in multilingual and multicultural contexts (University of Luxembourg).
The program is sustaining partnerships with relevant MA programs and research institutions on an international level. During the master class at the University of Paris 8 (partner program - Master de Didactique des Langues Etrangères) the students had the opportunity to present their research projects and discuss them with other Master students, researchers and professors.


Passage(s) Paris

Passage(s) Paris
Initiation à l’observation ethnographique urbane des passages de Paris. The video was realized within the Master Learning and Development in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts at the University of Luxembourg in collaboration with DICA lab, University of Luxembourg.

Language: French


Process driven documentary of an on-site teachign experience, in line with multi-LEARN.

Description of the documentary:

Dr. Catherine Berger (INALCO Paris) invites Master’s students to use anthropological research methods in order to observe and to explore the multiplicity of languages and social life in Paris.

Indicative transcript of the video:

• (01:50) Explains that one of the mains goals while learning foreign language is the possibility to explore different cultures.
• (03:02) Introduces the importance of studying multicultural and multilingual environments, Catherine Berger talks about her research on the crews of merchant ships.
• (04:20) Presents three main objectives of language learning and teaching: the obvious linguistic goal in order to be able to communicate, the intellectual goal necessary for cognitive processes and the cultural goal.
• (05:12) Invites to research the cultural dimension of language using ethnological and sociological methods. During the ethnographic observation it is necessary to see the environment through the eyes of a stranger, to turn unknown into known and vice versa.
• (11:50) Touches upon the notion of socially constructed reality explaining that there is no reality besides the constructed one.

About the lecturer:

Dr.Catherine Berger – a senior lecturer at the University of Paris XIII and INALCO. As a researcher, she works on the cultural dimension in language teaching and on social representations.


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