
De manière ponctuelle, Luxembourg multi-LEARN Institute propose une sensibilisation à l’apprentissage d’une langue en se centrant

    sur soi-mĂŞme et ses ressources plutĂ´t que sur les manques

    sur les potentialitĂ©s de dĂ©veloppement plutĂ´t que sur l’évitement des erreurs

    sur le comment ĂŞtre maintenant dans une langue plutĂ´t que sur la langue Ă  avoir et Ă  possĂ©der dans le futur

Les participants apprennent Ă 

    ĂŞtre sensible Ă  l’espace (oĂą dire et faire silence quand on apprend une langue)

    ĂŞtre sensible au temps (quand dire et faire silence, avec quelle intonation, quand on apprend une langue)

    ĂŞtre sensible au mouvement (dire Ă  quel rythme avec quels gestes quand on apprend une langue)

    ĂŞtre sensible au contexte


Luxembourg multi-LEARN Institute offers its expertise in support of the parents with multilingual children. The association offers this type of consulting on demand. The interested parents are invited to the association’s offices for a 2h discussion with experts in the field of education, learning and professional orientation. 

Please see below a few topics approached in the past: 

– How many languages should my child study/learn? 
– Which language is the most important for my child? 
– Supporting and encouraging my child’s talents while succeeding in school (extracurricular activities and use of digital devices)
– Understanding the educational system

Please contact us at aloha@multi-learn.org for more information.



The majority of the projects carried out by Luxembourg multi-LEARN Institute have an outcome for professionals/practitioners. The outcome can take the form of recommendations, checklists, SWAT analysis, trainings, new workshop formats, etc.


The projects and interventions proposed by Luxembourg multi-LEARN Institute are inspired by research advancements. By collecting, analyzing and publishing data from Luxembourg, the Institute contributes to the advancement of research in Luxembourg and beyond.